ᐅ Michigan Bankruptcy Records 2009-2025

All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.

Bankruptcy Records Search

Michigan, Last Names «B»: Brown … Boyer

The table lists individuals in Michigan who have filed for bankruptcy, showing their names, case numbers, filing dates, and types of bankruptcy filed. It includes their names, case numbers, filing dates, and the type of bankruptcy petition filed (such as Chapter 7 or Chapter 13). This table is a part of the public record, as all personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are.
The information is gathered from public sources and is intended to provide a comprehensive view of bankruptcy filings within the state. However, it's important to note that the website advises against using this information for credit, insurance, employment, housing decisions, or any purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
The data may not be fully comprehensive or up-to-date and should be used with due diligence.

Sophia M Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46308 - Jul 29, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-07-29 19:41:03

Sophia M Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46308-tjt - Aug 03, 2021, Declaration 2021-08-03 20:26:37

Bryan Keith Breedlove, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46317-tjt - Jul 30, 2021, Flags Set CASECHECKED 2021-09-17 04:29:45

Genesis Bourne, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31075 - Jul 30, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-07-30 14:34:40

Genesis Bourne, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31075-jda - Aug 02, 2021, BNC Certificate of Mailing - Meeting of Creditors 2021-08-02 16:43:00

Jessica L. Berry, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46328 - Jul 30, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-07-30 15:30:23

Jessica L. Berry, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46328-lsg - Aug 03, 2021, Telephonic 341 Meeting Information (Batch) 2021-08-03 21:29:00

William Alan Samuel Gre Burrell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46332-mar - Aug 03, 2021, Certificate of Service 2021-08-03 18:51:19

Jasmin Boyd, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46356 - Jul 30, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-07-30 20:46:48

Jasmin Boyd, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46356-lsg - Aug 02, 2021, Flags Set CASECHECKED 2021-09-23 16:18:36

Charrisa Marie Booth, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20875 - Jul 31, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-07-31 01:20:21

Charrisa Marie Booth, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20875-dob - Jul 31, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-07-31 02:06:20

Mack Black, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46407 - Aug 03, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-03 16:53:07

Alan Keighley Binder, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46410 - Aug 03, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-03 16:58:55

Mack Black, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46407-mar - Aug 03, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments (order) 2021-08-04 14:04:00

Alan Keighley Binder, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46410-mar - Aug 04, 2021, Flags Set CASECHECKED 2021-08-04 17:27:31

Michae David Butler, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20885 - Aug 03, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2021-08-03 17:42:02

Michae David Butler, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20885-dob - Aug 06, 2021, Amended Statement About Your Social Security Numbers 2021-08-06 13:52:14

Daniel L Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46436 - Aug 04, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-04 15:48:14

Daniel L Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46436-lsg - Aug 04, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-28 13:04:36

William Blackwell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46438 - Aug 04, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-04 17:11:47

Cornelius Boss Brock, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46439-lsg - Aug 04, 2021, Auto Assignment Meeting of Creditors 7 2021-08-27 21:05:10

William Blackwell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46438-mlo - Aug 05, 2021, Flags Set CASECHECKED 2021-10-06 12:42:50

David Earl Booth and Karen Nicole Booth, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46442 - Aug 04, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-04 18:52:42

Patricia Ann Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-24099-dob - Aug 04, 2021, Notice of Unclaimed Funds 2021-08-04 18:58:48

David Earl Booth and Karen Nicole Booth, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46442-mar - Aug 04, 2021, Auto Assignment Meeting of Creditors 7 2021-09-22 18:58:00

Paul Brower, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46448 - Aug 04, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2021-08-04 19:40:39

Paul Brower, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46448-lsg - Aug 06, 2021, Meeting of Creditors Chapter 13 2021-08-11 12:33:27

Javaughn Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46456 - Aug 04, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-04 21:18:57

Javaughn Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46456-tjt - Aug 05, 2021, Creditor Request for Notice 2021-11-06 10:25:09

James Ricardo Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20893 - Aug 05, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-05 14:37:59

James Ricardo Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20893-dob - Aug 05, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-09-17 16:54:46

Lamekia Renee Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46485 - Aug 05, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-05 20:47:58

Lamekia Renee Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46485-mlo - Aug 06, 2021, Flags Set CASECHECKED 2021-09-22 13:17:56

Chelsea Brewer-Bayless, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46492-mlo - Aug 06, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-19 17:18:45

Germany Lavon Bennett, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46501-mar - Aug 06, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-11-06 10:25:14

Daniel Clarence Brisson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20900-dob - Aug 06, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-09 19:00:37

Michael Anthony Berryhill and Toni Denise Berryhill, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46503-tjt - Aug 06, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-20 18:04:08

Beth Barcume, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46504-mlo - Aug 06, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-17 15:16:46

Chelsea Brown, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46507-tjt - Aug 06, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-06 19:06:45

Erik Benjamin Burt, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31109-jda - Aug 06, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2021-08-09 14:33:38

Sarah L Bachelder, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46517-tjt - Aug 06, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-09 13:23:13

Jalen D Britt, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46524-tjt - Aug 09, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2021-08-19 18:22:34

Tacora T. Bates, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31118-jda - Aug 09, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-23 13:47:44

Browner v. Capital Community Bank, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-04176-mlo - Aug 09, 2021, Complaint 2021-08-09 21:28:56

Robin Renee Burton, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46561-mar - Aug 10, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2021-08-25 14:20:29

Carlene Y Belle, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46564-mlo - Aug 10, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-11 13:02:28

William Walter Beard, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46577-mlo - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-18 17:22:58

Alexandra Elaine Borkowski, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20902-dob - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-11 16:06:30

Joseph Paul Bommarito, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31129-jda - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-26 17:05:14

Patrick Borden and Rebecca Borden, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46583-mlo - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2021-10-06 16:46:57

Rickie B. Brown, Jr., Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46584-lsg - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-11-07 11:24:45

William Walter Beard, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46577 - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-11 14:18:28

Alexandra Elaine Borkowski, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20902 - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-11 15:42:39

Patrick Borden and Rebecca Borden, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46583 - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2021-08-11 16:31:43

Rickie B. Brown, Jr., Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46584 - Aug 11, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-11 16:47:51

Robert D. Berry, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46676-mlo - Aug 16, 2021, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2021-08-19 04:26:13

Linda S Bryant, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46620-mlo - Aug 16, 2021, Payment Order 2021-10-05 20:24:03

Yolanda Rochelle Buyck, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46631-tjt - Aug 16, 2021, Deficiency Notice (BK)

Alyssa Marie Boyer, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-46653-mlo - Aug 16, 2021, none 2021-08-19 04:26:13

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