All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.
Bankruptcy Records Search
Thomas S. Chae, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-61670-jwc - May 17, 2019, Notice of Leave of Absence
Toney Franklin Crumley, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-20988-jrs - May 17, 2019, Initial Docs01: Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2019-05-17 20:00:07
Carol Lynn Castile, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-10969 - May 17, 2019, Initial Docs01: Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2019-05-17 20:03:36
Ralph Patrick Cobb and Virginia Walker Cobb, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-70865-wlh - May 17, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
Carol Lynn Castile, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-10969-whd - May 17, 2019, Initial Docs01: Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2019-05-17 20:54:57
Daniel Caliz, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-41175-bem - May 17, 2019, Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition, All Schedules and Statements (Fee)-case upload 2019-05-17 20:53:26
Lillian Grace Curry, Bankruptcy Record: Case #14-56412-sms - May 17, 2019, Notice of Plan Completion Re: 522(q) May NOT Apply 2019-05-17 21:04:27
Carol Yvonne Clark, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-57790 - May 17, 2019, Initial Docs01: Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2019-05-17 21:14:14
Jack Roger Cowart, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52404-pwb - May 17, 2019, 0-Reaffirmation Agreement -- (No Undue Hardship)
Ann Renee Coughlin, Bankruptcy Record: Case #14-21993-jrs - May 17, 2019, Personal Financial Management Course Certificate
James Edward Collins, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-41177 - May 17, 2019, Initial Docs01: Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2019-05-17 23:56:28
Tanya Laverne Colquitt, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-30572 - May 18, 2019, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Wavert J. Covington, Jr, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-70583 - May 18, 2019, Meeting of Creditors 13
Carol Yvonne Clark, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-57790-wlh - May 17, 2019, Initial Docs01: Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) 2019-05-17 21:14:14
James Edward Collins, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-41177-pwb - May 17, 2019, Initial Docs01: Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2019-05-18 01:01:09
Clyde Eugene Calhoun, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52498-lrc - May 18, 2019, Notice to Debtor Regarding Financial Management Certificate Due
Doris Hix Carr, Bankruptcy Record: Case #14-40463 - May 19, 2019, Notice to Debtor Regarding Certification of Plan Completion (FINAL NOTICE)
Sallie Renee Cooke, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-54163-lrc - May 20, 2019, Personal Financial Management Course Certificate
Theresa J. Cash, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-71347 - May 20, 2019, Discharging Debtor
Gladys Christopher, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-50900 - May 20, 2019, Final Decree; Case Closed
Jermaine Antonio Copeland and Olisa Copeland, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52277-pmb - May 20, 2019, 01-Order Discharging Ch. 7 Debtor and Closing Estate 2019-05-20 08:45:31
Christiana Joy Clerk, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52274-pwb - May 20, 2019, 01-Order Discharging Ch. 7 Debtor and Closing Estate 2019-05-20 08:45:36
Lerin Dleila Carlis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52268-lrc - May 20, 2019, 01-Order Discharging Ch. 7 Debtor and Closing Estate 2019-05-20 08:45:45
Roderick Jermaine Campbell and Vernita Williams Campbell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52226-pwb - May 20, 2019, 01-Order Discharging Ch. 7 Debtor and Closing Estate 2019-05-20 08:46:46
Carlos Cesar Chaves, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52213-lrc - May 20, 2019, 01-Order Discharging Ch. 7 Debtor and Closing Estate 2019-05-20 08:47:25
Jamie Leigh Carlisle, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-20694-jrs - May 20, 2019, Meeting of Creditors Held and Concluded
Collis Lamar Clark and Sandra Clark, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-64914-sms - May 20, 2019, P-Schedule I
Randal Alan Cobb, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-52254-wlh - May 20, 2019, 0-Change of Address (document requesting)
Laureen Coleman-Rumph, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-55969-bem - May 20, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
Shantese Chanel Coleman, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-55969-bem - May 20, 2019, Personal Financial Management Course Certificate
Damita Cephus, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-50918 - May 20, 2019, Pay Filing Fee in Installments
Pamela Cain, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-71449 - May 20, 2019, Letter
Dora Alicia Cruz, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-67087-pwb - May 20, 2019, Trustee's Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Make Plan Payments
James Franklin Cook, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-40347-bem - May 20, 2019, 0-Reaffirmation Agreement -- (No Undue Hardship)
Shayla Dehaana Campbell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-55902-pwb - May 20, 2019, Meeting of Creditors Held and Concluded
Catrina Lafaye Coston, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-11700 - May 20, 2019, Release of Wages
Debra Clark, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-50025 - May 20, 2019, Pay Filing Fees
Bonnie Kay Carroll, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-50919 - May 20, 2019, Pay Filing Fee in Installments
Randall Matthew Casey, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-43053-pwb - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Shirley Ann Cameron, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-10971-whd - May 20, 2019, Initial Docs01: Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2019-05-20 15:53:48
Andrew Jason Coldwell and Ryan Nicole Coldwell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-12251-whd - May 20, 2019, 05-Motion to Dismiss Case (FOR OTHER)
Celeste Nicole Cobb, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-58297-lrc - May 20, 2019, Dismiss for Failure to Make Plan Payments, Motion to
Christine Clark, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-11353 - May 20, 2019, Dismissing Case (Debtor Deceased)
Gwendolyn Denise Colsby, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-20351 - May 20, 2019, Release of Wages (trustee generated)
Rosa Curry, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-50148 - May 20, 2019, Dismiss Case (Other) (batch)(Trustee)
Trudie H. Clark, Sr. and Edgar Lee Clark, Sr., Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-20924 - May 20, 2019, Sustaining 2019-05-20 15:48:53
Carolyn Barber Carroll, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-30395 - May 20, 2019, Discharging Debtor(s)
Ramona A. Cook, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-40540 - May 20, 2019, Dismissing Case (Trustee's Motion to Dismiss)
Darryl Rachun Caldwell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-57619-lrc - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Karen Sue Crider and Andrew John Crider, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-61684-lrc - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Roderick Raynard Cody, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-63184-pmb - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Yolanda Gail Cospy, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-68536-pmb - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Pellametrius Shontae Childs, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-69201-lrc - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Terrie Chhoeung, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-69524-pmb - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Steven T Chapman and Whitney Crocker Chapman, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-30427 - May 20, 2019, Letter 2021-10-09 03:15:48
Avian D Cole, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-69793-pmb - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Aleshia Renee Collier, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-69852-lrc - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Tammy Lynn Cooper, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-70239-lrc - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Richard Bradley Combs and Misty Michelle Combs, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-70276-pmb - May 20, 2019, Trustee's (12/13) Final Report (batch)
Roosevelt Caldwell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-62805-jwc - May 20, 2019, Trustee's Motion to Dismiss Case (FOR OTHER)