All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.
Bankruptcy Records Search
Brian Jay Deniston and Destini LouJoyce Deniston, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-30292-hcd - Dec 30, 2020, Notice of Appearance(BK)
Lawrence LaMarr DuBose, Sr., Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-21700-kl - Dec 30, 2020, Terminate Wage Deduction - Other Orders
Robert Edward Dickerson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06960--7 - Dec 30, 2020, Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2020-12-30 15:40:17
Michael Dillon and Debra Dillon, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-40349-reg - Dec 30, 2020, Chapter 13 Plan
Michael Lee Dunn, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-40314-reg - Dec 30, 2020, Withdraw As Attorney(BK)
Dakota Dewayne Dorris, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06749--7 - Dec 30, 2020, Certification of Personal Financial Management Course
Ronald Paul Drennan, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-91383--13 - Dec 30, 2020, Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition 2020-12-30 22:30:31
Jeffrey Alan Dixon and Laura Ann Dixon, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-71236--7 - Dec 30, 2020, Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2020-12-31 00:38:41
Jessica Lyn Dardy, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06391--7A - Dec 31, 2020, Report of Possible Assets (with or without Abandonment) 2021-10-14 17:32:20
Scott Glenn Davis and Brandi Renae Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-91399--13 - Dec 31, 2020, Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition 2021-10-28 19:43:45
Danny Martin Delk, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06799--7 - Jan 02, 2021, Personal Financial Management Course Certificate
John K. Dougherty and Dana Lynn Dougherty, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-91335--13 - Jan 04, 2021, Extend Automatic Stay, Order on Motion to
Alexander Burton Drake and Mikaela Lee Drake, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00008--13 - Jul 29, 2021, Certificate of Service re: Plan Notice (Ch 13 Only) 2021-08-31 13:57:01
Cedric Diamond, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-22434-kl - Jan 04, 2021, Modification to Plan
Maria Demarco, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-40498-reg - Jan 07, 2021, Notice of Motion - Court
Derek A. Dorsey and Imelda A. Dorsey, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-33009-hcd - Jan 07, 2021, Notice of Appearance(BK)
Wanda Ivette Diaz, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00045--7 - Jan 07, 2021, Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2021-01-08 06:33:50
Janis Sue Drisko, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-80460--13 - Jan 08, 2021, Certification of Personal Financial Management Course
Heather Celeste Dolin, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-71141--7A - Jan 07, 2021, 341 Meeting Held - Trustee's Initial Report (TR7A) 2021-01-08 14:04:46
Jerry Franklin Davis and Amanda Jean Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-40332-reg - Jan 08, 2021, Withdraw As Attorney(BK)
Michael A Davis, Sr, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00065--7 - Jan 08, 2021, Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2021-01-08 18:41:32
Jessica Marie Dempsey, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-21920-jra - Jan 08, 2021, Turnover of Property 2021-01-08 21:37:40
Jaynesha Nicole Dugan, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00022--7 - Jan 09, 2021, BNC Certificate of Service - 341 Meeting Notice
Joshua David Deal and Sara Elizabeth Deal, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-80444--7A - Jan 10, 2021, BNC Certificate of Service - Notice re: Personal Financial Management Course Requirement
Annette David, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20033-jra - Jan 12, 2021, File
Amber Joy Drownes, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-21909-jra - Jan 12, 2021, Closing Case
Sasha Renae Degner, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-05834--7A - Jan 12, 2021, Possible Assets Notice 2021-08-11 15:36:02
Austin Carl Davis and Haley Louise Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06454--7A - Jan 12, 2021, Report of Possible Assets (with or without Abandonment) 2021-01-12 18:21:21
Timothy Antonio Deamus and Alicia Ma'Lay Deamus, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00086--13 - Jul 30, 2021, Modify Plan Post-Confirmation, Motion to 2021-07-30 18:28:02
Michael Vincent D'Auria and Heather Jo D'Auria, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-80458--7A - Jan 12, 2021, Report of Possible Assets (with or without Abandonment) 2021-01-12 20:28:21
Holly Michelle-Nicole Durbin-Hembree, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00105--13 - Jan 12, 2021, Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition 2021-09-07 18:32:26
Sarah Denise Dennis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-05866--7A - Jan 12, 2021, Report of Possible Assets (with or without Abandonment) 2021-01-12 22:05:20
Matthew Carl Dove, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-05863--7A - Jan 12, 2021, Report of Possible Assets (with or without Abandonment)
Brandy D Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06131--7A - Jan 12, 2021, Report of Possible Assets (with or without Abandonment)
Christopher James DiMichele, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-21295-kl - Jan 13, 2021, Compensation - Motion 2021-01-13 16:27:39
John Edward Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20047 - Jan 13, 2021, Chapter 13 Plan
Alexis Addeline Deckard, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-90021--13 - Jan 13, 2021, Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition 2021-01-13 19:45:18
John Edward Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-20047-kl - Jan 13, 2021, Chapter 13 Plan
Rose Mary Durant, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-07199--7 - Jan 15, 2021, Discharge of Debtor(s) 2021-01-15 18:42:20
Clancy Evan Doran and Kinsey Nicole Doran, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06634--7A - Jan 16, 2021, Report of Possible Assets (with or without Abandonment)
William Joseph Dake, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06739--7 - Jan 18, 2021, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution - No Funds
Michelle Renee Dobbins, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06721--13 - Jan 18, 2021, Personal Financial Management Course Certificate
Jeremy Alan Dornseif and Brandy Lee Dornseif, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-11785-reg - Jan 19, 2021, Notice of Assets
Callie D. Daniel, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-31892-hcd - Jan 19, 2021, Employ 2021-01-19 16:52:06
Basil Eugene Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-31873-hcd - Jul 28, 2021, Relief from Stay 2021-07-28 17:04:29
Darren Stephen Davis and Joni Lynn Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-10047-reg - Jan 21, 2021, File 2021-11-10 13:30:48
Kristina Danielle Dunlap and Deanna Yvonne Dunlap, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00227--13 - Jan 21, 2021, Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition 2021-11-08 15:36:47
Justin Lanier Dunham, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-06795--7 - Jan 25, 2021, Personal Financial Management Course Certificate
Rosetta Maria Deloof-Primmer, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-31867-hcd - Jan 25, 2021, Other Notice(BK)
Scott Alan Deckard and Addline Deckard, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-91337--13 - Jan 25, 2021, 341 Meeting Held - Plan Favorable/Unfavorable (TR13F/TR13U) 2021-11-02 14:19:11
Mark A Druin and Kelly L Druin, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-91314--13 - Jan 25, 2021, 341 Meeting Held - Plan Favorable/Unfavorable (TR13F/TR13U)
Erica Leigh Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-80027--7 - Jan 25, 2021, Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2021-01-25 17:16:09
Sandra Lee Dees, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30072-hcd - Jan 25, 2021, Request Designating Mailing Address R. 2002(g)
Travis Edward Drahn, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00261--7 - Jan 25, 2021, Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2021-01-25 19:02:34
Upkar S. Dhami, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-00264--7 - Jan 25, 2021, Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2021-01-25 19:40:26
Baird Wesley Davis and Jordan Taylor Davis, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-05310--7A - Jan 25, 2021, Report of Possible Assets (with or without Abandonment)
Jeremy Ellis Dorsey, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-91371--7 - Jan 25, 2021, Conversion to Ch 7 by Ch 12/13 Debtor 2021-01-25 21:19:57
Kaylor Christopher Dunn, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-11517-reg - Jan 26, 2021, Discharging Debtor (Auto)
Alice Jewell Dobson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-11500-reg - Jan 26, 2021, Discharging Debtor (Auto)
Ricky L Dearmond, Bankruptcy Record: Case #20-11506-reg - Jan 26, 2021, Discharging Debtor (Auto)