All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.
Bankruptcy Records Search
LOUIS FLORES and JESSICA FLORES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05206-PS - Apr 30, 2019, 1Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2019-04-30 17:09:12
JOHNCARLO G FLORES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-04317-PS - Apr 30, 2019, oDismissing Case - VAN Form 2019-04-30 17:41:53
PAULINE FRANCIS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05213 - Apr 30, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-04-30 17:46:51
SANDRA MAE FORSLUN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-06707 - Apr 30, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Submitting Order
ANTHONY MICHAEL FAGIOLO and KERRY ANNE FAGIOLO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-06053 - Apr 30, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Intent to Lodge Dismissal Order (batch)
NEAL CRAIG FRANCO-NORRIS and SEAN C. FRANCO-NORRIS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-14397 - Apr 30, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date (batch)
EMILIO FERNANDEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:13-bk-18713 - Apr 30, 2019, Motion to Reopen Case (Reopen Fee Due) 2019-04-30 19:02:39
TONY GENE FLYNN and TERRIE ANN WESSON FLYNN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-01969 - Apr 30, 2019, Waive (Motion to) 2019-04-30 19:24:46
PARADISE VALLEY PRIVATE SCHOOL FOUNDATION, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-06070-PS - Apr 30, 2019, Certificate of Service and No Objections 2019-04-30 20:02:09
PAUL JAMES FLORES and RUTH ANN FLORES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-07283 - Apr 30, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date
Rangel v. Dynasty Finance, Inc., Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-ap-00530 - Apr 30, 2019, Minute Entry
CLIFFORD E ALEXANDER, III and JEANNE MICHELLE FISHER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03317-PS - Apr 30, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate
TUESDAY GAY FLETCHER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-14743 - Apr 30, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution
UTE RENATE FOREMAN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-05240 - Apr 30, 2019, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (310.00 fee) 2019-04-30 21:17:26
HECTOR MANUEL FIGUEROA and MARIE LOUISE FIGUEROA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:15-bk-08430 - Apr 30, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
JERALD A FERNANDEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05256-PS - Apr 30, 2019, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (310.00 fee) 2019-04-30 23:07:43
APRIL M FREITAS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:16-bk-06955 - Aug 05, 2021, Modified Chapter 13 Plan and Notice of Date to File Objection 2021-11-09 19:42:03
PAUL CLIFFORD FLETCHER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-05272 - Apr 30, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-04-30 23:16:45
WILLIAM J FALKENTHAL and JENNAFER B FALKENTHAL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-09577 - Apr 30, 2019, Trustee Notice of Lodging Proposed Order
RICHARD FENLON and CYNTHIA FENLON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-00596 - Jul 30, 2021, Convert Case 2021-11-04 16:37:54
STANLEY L. FISHER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:19-bk-00333-PS - May 01, 2019, Withdrawal (Notice of)
SHAMIKA S FLOOD, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-02575 - May 01, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate
CHRIS FRANCESCHELLI, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05306-PS - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-01 15:27:13
ESTELLE RHONDA FARRELL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:15-bk-08192 - May 01, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (ALL)
HEIDI ANN FRASS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:19-bk-05314 - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-01 16:21:36
VIRGINIA MARIE FRANK, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:13-bk-09814-PS - May 01, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate (batch)
TERRANCE RAY FISHER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-01659 - May 01, 2019, Change of Address
Juan G Santos Pintado and April Fowler, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-02598 - May 01, 2019, Amendment to Schedules (D,E/F/31.00 Fee) 2019-05-01 18:39:16
BRANDY FRAMPTON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-12760 - May 01, 2019, Reinstate Case (Motion to) 2019-05-01 19:00:08
RAUL F FRAGOSO and EMMA R FRAGOSO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:14-bk-00974 - May 01, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Completed Plan (batch)
MARK LEON FLECK and ROSINA FLECK, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:14-bk-01476 - May 01, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Completed Plan (batch)
MONIQUE CRISTAL FUENTES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:17-bk-14875 - May 01, 2019, Modified Chapter 13 Plan and Notice of Date to File Objection
BRYAN JACOB FIELDS and JULIE ANN FIELDS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:14-bk-04168 - May 01, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
KEN ALLEN FETTERHOFF, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:15-bk-15313 - May 01, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
ANTHONY BENJAMIN FEARS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:16-bk-03279-PS - May 01, 2019, Compensation by Professional Employed by Chapter 7 or 11 Trustee (Application for)
DAVID ALONSO FRAGOSO MARTINEZ and ALBA NIDIA IMPERIAL DE FRA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-05338 - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee)
ROBERT KEITH FRALEY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05341 - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2021-09-02 14:08:40
MILLS, CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE v. FUNDRITE, LLC, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-ap-00176 - May 01, 2019, Complaint 2019-05-01 21:10:23
DANIEL A ALTAMIRANO and AMBERROSE S FERNANDEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-00685 - May 01, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (ALL) (DISMISSED)
Alejandro Tadeo Fuentes, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:19-bk-00509 - May 01, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date
HOLCOMB v. LA Fitness, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-ap-00539 - May 01, 2019, Virtual Minute Entry
GUADALUPE FIERRO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-04159 - May 01, 2019, Amendment to Schedules (D,E/F/31.00 Fee)
LOUIS FALCON-JIMENEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-05335 - May 01, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution
HEIDI ANN FRASS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:19-bk-05314-PS - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-02 06:50:18
MILLS, CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE v. SYNCHRONY BANK dba SYNCHRONY FIN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-ap-00148 - May 02, 2019, Virtual Minute Entry
MICHAEL JOSEPH FRANZEN and PAULA KAE FRANZEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-00887 - May 02, 2019, Objection/Evaluation - Chapter 13 Plan (batch)
TAWNI JOELLE FRIEDERICHS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-01687 - May 02, 2019, Objection/Evaluation - Chapter 13 Plan (batch)
NICOLE ELAINE FRIEND, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03319 - May 02, 2019, Continuance of Meeting of Creditors
JAMMEL ROBERT FRANKLIN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03370 - May 02, 2019, Meeting of Creditors Held
YESENIA H FIERRO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-15124 - May 02, 2019, Updated Address Notice (Undeliverable Mail)
ROBERT DE LA FUENTE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:16-bk-09053 - May 02, 2019, Objection/Evaluation - Amended or Modified Plan (Chapter 13) (batch)
ROBERT MICHAEL FIELD, IV, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-02762 - May 02, 2019, Meeting of Creditors Held
DEBORAH CHARYL FRITSCHOW, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:15-bk-04523 - May 02, 2019, Trustee Motion to Dismiss and Notice of Intent to Upload Order Without Hearing (BMW/SHG)
OSWALDO CASTRO FUENTES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-02253 - May 02, 2019, Meeting of Creditors Held
DEBRA M FONVILLE-WILLIAMS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:16-bk-05633 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution
PEARL W FILANI, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-15685 - May 02, 2019, Deficiency Memo - No Financial Management Course
LORI ANN FRANCISCO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-15090 - May 02, 2019, Deficiency Memo - No Financial Management Course
MANUEL ANTONIO FREIRE, JR. and EVETTE L. FREIRE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:17-bk-07252 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
OSCAR FAZZ and JULE ANN FAZZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:17-bk-04348 - May 02, 2019, Report
DANIEL FOSTER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-04535 - May 02, 2019, Wage Order (Motion for) 2019-05-02 23:04:08