All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.
Bankruptcy Records Search
LUIS RENE GRACIA and JANELLE SADAI GRACIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-01587 - Mar 06, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-06 19:42:44
JEFFREY JON GALLEGOS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-11840 - Mar 06, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-06 19:44:24
KIARA ELIZABETH GRAHAM, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-01614 - Mar 08, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-08 23:03:38
ALEX A GARCIA and MAIDA A GARCIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-01786-PS - Mar 12, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-12 21:19:32
MARK ANTHONY GWINN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-01803 - Mar 13, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-13 01:09:55
Gary Ghezzi, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-01804 - Mar 13, 2021, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (313.00 fee) 2021-03-13 02:55:54
Gary Ghezzi, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-01804-PS - Mar 15, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 13
JAMES R GARLAND, JR., Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-01822 - Mar 15, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-15 23:05:27
PEDRO DAMIAN GONZALEZ GARCIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-01829 - Mar 16, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-11-16 18:42:56
JENNIFER RENEE GRADY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-01887 - Mar 17, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-17 20:25:33
NICOLE A. GARCIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-01922-PS - Mar 18, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-18 17:53:08
JEAN FRANCOIS GUINDON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:21-bk-02010 - Mar 23, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-23 01:57:09
JEAN FRANCOIS GUINDON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:21-bk-02010-PS - Mar 23, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-23 06:50:10
CORY RUSSEL GREEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02054 - Mar 24, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-24 01:37:20
ANABEL MARQUEZ GONZALEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02157-PS - Mar 29, 2021, BNC Form Request--341 Notice--Chapter 7 Indiv/Joint (Reinstatements/Amended/Conversions)
KIMBERLY JOANNE GARCIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02202 - Jul 17, 2021, Employ (Application to) 2021-09-23 22:09:51
FAVIOLA PEDROZA GONZALEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02214-PS - Mar 30, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-30 00:31:38
JESUS ROBERTO ARIAS GONZALEZ and SARA ARMIDA GONZALEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02230 - Aug 06, 2021, Extend (Motion to) 2021-10-07 15:53:13
ANTERO O GRACIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #3:21-bk-02281 - Mar 31, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-31 03:44:00
CORY RUSSEL GREEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02054-PS - Mar 31, 2021, BNC Form Request--341 Notice--Chapter 7 Indiv/Joint (Reinstatements/Amended/Conversions)
JAY PATRICK GORHAM and CONSTANCE RENEE GORHAM, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02303 - Mar 31, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-31 19:44:01
KIMBERLEY SUE GRAHAM, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02307 - Mar 31, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-31 19:57:45
RICHARD EDWARD GLASFORD and CONNIE DELORES GLASFORD, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02308 - Mar 31, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-03-31 23:53:55
Rachael Galiano, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02365 - Apr 01, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee)
JENNIFER LYN GILBERT, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02124 - Apr 01, 2021, Debtor Declaration Re: Electronic Filing
KIM A GONZALEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02372 - Apr 01, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-01 18:37:30
JAVIER GALLARDO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02091 - Apr 01, 2021, BNC Form Request--341 Notice--Chapter 7 Indiv/Joint (Reinstatements/Amended/Conversions)
MARIA D. GARCIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #3:21-bk-02382 - Apr 01, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-08-30 15:15:57
MARIANNE GUERCIO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02383 - Apr 01, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-01 22:08:43
JOLIE DENISE GROSE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02086 - Apr 01, 2021, BNC Form Request--341 Notice--Chapter 7 Indiv/Joint (Reinstatements/Amended/Conversions)
GLORIA GOODVINE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02420 - Apr 05, 2021, 1Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2021-04-05 15:58:59
REYNALDO ARTHUR GOMEZ, IV, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02441 - Apr 05, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-05 23:01:37
PAMALA W GEIST, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02460 - Apr 06, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-06 16:58:56
ROBERT STEPHEN GARDINER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02464-PS - Apr 06, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-06 18:40:13
JASON GODWIN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02505 - Apr 07, 2021, 1Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2021-04-07 15:55:49
KATRENIA CORINNE GENTRY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02585 - Apr 09, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-09 00:35:24
THOMAS WALTER GORMAN, JR., Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02599 - Apr 09, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-09 18:06:39
JESUS IVAN GARCIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02602 - Apr 09, 2021, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (313.00 fee) 2021-10-08 04:35:14
Lauri Graham-Johnson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02611 - Apr 09, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-09 22:25:41
TERRY L. GIBBS and TERESA M. GIBBS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:21-bk-02617 - Apr 09, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-09-07 14:32:43
WILLIAM R. GAMEZ and LISA C. GAMEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02620-PS - Apr 09, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-07-16 17:44:08
DEIDRE M GRIFFIN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02666-PS - Apr 13, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-13 00:07:47
CIPRIANA ANTOINETTE GUEVARA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02683 - Apr 13, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-11-11 20:30:23
REBECCA L GOODARD, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02705 - Apr 13, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-13 22:41:42
GARY GIBSON and Kim Gibson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02712 - Apr 13, 2021, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (313.00 fee) 2021-09-27 18:00:46
DIANA LYNN GIRK, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02764 - Apr 15, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-15 00:08:33
DIANA LYNN GIRK, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02764-PS - Apr 15, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-15 01:16:36
BRENT HERRICK GOULD, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02833-PS - Apr 16, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-16 01:00:20
MIKALESSA ANN GOLDSTEIN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02844 - Aug 04, 2021, Appearance (Notice of) 2021-08-05 14:02:58
TONYA L DE PEO GIBBS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02895 - Apr 19, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-19 21:15:46
Ulrich v. GLS Grading, LLC et al, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-ap-00102 - Apr 19, 2021, Complaint 2021-09-04 21:32:34
TONYA L DE PEO GIBBS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02895-PS - Apr 19, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-20 06:50:06
JUAN A. GARCIA and JAZMINE M. GARCIA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02931 - Apr 20, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-20 18:19:11
LAURA LUCINDA GUNNINGHAM, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-02939 - Apr 20, 2021, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (313.00 fee) 2021-08-18 22:02:12
HALEY, CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE v. GONZALEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-ap-00105 - Apr 21, 2021, Complaint
BREONNA BRYANT GAMBOA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-02989 - Apr 21, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-21 20:18:23
Wardley v. GALLEGOS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-ap-00107 - Apr 21, 2021, Complaint 2021-04-21 21:22:37
MATTHEW R GEWARGES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-03026 - Apr 22, 2021, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (313.00 fee) 2021-04-22 16:01:02
STEPHANIE R GUERRERO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:21-bk-03062 - Apr 22, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee)
DANEA MARIE GENOVESE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:21-bk-03063 - Apr 22, 2021, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (338.00 fee) 2021-04-22 23:44:33