All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.
Bankruptcy Records Search
CHARLES EDWARD HUFF, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03320-PS - Apr 30, 2019, Reaffirmation Agreement - Pro Se Debtor
DOUGLAS HURLEY, JR., Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:16-bk-08960-PS - Apr 30, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Intent to Lodge Dismissal Order
LY TUYET HUYNH, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-02051 - Apr 30, 2019, oOther Order to be Mailed to Interested Parties by BNC
JON RICKSON HART and LINDA LEE HART, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:11-bk-12010 - Apr 30, 2019, Withdrawal of Report of No Distribution 2021-11-15 21:15:27
ROBERTA LYNN HEINEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-04163 - Apr 30, 2019, Certificate of Service and No Objections 2019-04-30 22:05:24
MICHAEL THOMAS HAYNES and LESLIE DENISE HAYNES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05251 - Apr 30, 2019, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (310.00 fee) 2019-04-30 22:09:16
TAWNIE L HOBSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-13263 - Apr 30, 2019, Certificate of Service and No Objections 2019-04-30 22:13:43
EDUARDO HINSEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:09-bk-03827 - Apr 30, 2019, Motion to Reopen Case (Reopen Fee Due) 2019-04-30 22:37:27
BRIAN T HANSFORD, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-09303 - Apr 30, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Report of Allowed Claims (batch)
Kevin Lamont Howard, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-05258 - Apr 30, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-04-30 23:12:24
RICHARD HADLEY, III and EBONI M. HADLEY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-00251 - Apr 30, 2019, Case Reviewed (Trustee Memo Form)
DIANE HAPPY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-13761 - Apr 30, 2019, Submission of Proposed Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan (Notice of)
KELLI S HAWKINS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-14078-PS - Apr 30, 2019, Operating Report 2019-04-30 23:03:07
RICHARD HANTEN and HEIDI HANTEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-07027 - Apr 30, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
MARY K HARRISON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-12645 - Apr 30, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
MARK ALLEN HERBSTER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-05270 - Apr 30, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-04-30 23:13:38
Terrell DeMone Harris, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-15286 - Apr 30, 2019, Recommendation (Chapter 13) (batch)
ROSILIND D HOOKS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-00774 - Apr 30, 2019, Recommendation (Chapter 13) (batch)
RICHARD LYLE HALL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05277 - Apr 30, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-04-30 23:36:44
Kenneth Thomas Hedman and Catherine Marie Hedman, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:13-bk-20754-PS - Apr 30, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (ALL)
JOSE CEJA and MARITZA A HERNANDEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-02789-PS - May 01, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date
DAWN M HARRIS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03582 - May 01, 2019, Appearance (Notice of) 2019-05-01 00:40:46
Albert Hernandez, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-02025 - May 01, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
SAN'DERA HAYES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05288-PS - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-01 01:25:08
KIMBERLY HOLLOWAY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-00622 - May 01, 2019, Receipt for Petition Filing Fee (New Case)
DEBRA HOLLINS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-04399 - May 01, 2019, Receipt for Petition Filing Fee Installment
SARAH ELIZABETH HAAS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #3:19-bk-00522 - May 01, 2019, BNC Form Request--Chapter 7 Discharge
YOLANDA J. HOWARD, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05307 - Aug 05, 2021, Trustee Notice of Lodging Proposed Order (batch) 2021-08-05 20:58:49
SHEILAH RUTH HUNTER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05308-PS - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-01 15:27:14
JELVIN HAZELWOOD, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03940 - May 01, 2019, oDismissing Case - VAN Form
JUSTIN MELVIN HOOPES and CHELSEY SHAE HOOPES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-10168 - May 01, 2019, Report of No Objection 2019-05-01 16:00:06
SANDRA A HOLLINGSWORTH, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-09609 - May 01, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date (batch)
ERIC FITZGERALD HUNT and CHRISTINE MARIE HUNT, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:18-bk-10679-PS - May 01, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution
ALMA HENNINGSEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-02816 - May 01, 2019, Appearance (Notice of)
BROWN, CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE v. L & W HOLDINGS, INC., Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-ap-00174-PS - May 01, 2019, Complaint 2019-05-01 17:21:30
RICHARD E HOLLIDAY, II and MARY L HOLLIDAY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-02563 - May 01, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
Lanet Leigh Haverstock, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:17-bk-07557 - May 01, 2019, Notice
ROBYN TERRY HARMS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-00638 - May 01, 2019, Recommendation (Chapter 13) (batch)
NATHANAEL BENJAMIN HULEN and REBECCA RENE HULEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:16-bk-03812 - May 01, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Completed Plan (batch)
PATRICIA JOAN HARRIS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:16-bk-14100 - May 01, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution - minimal funds collected
KERRY S HYATT, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:14-bk-03165 - May 01, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate
JUSTEN JAMISON HUNT, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05335 - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-01 20:00:24
GENEAN HARPER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:16-bk-08037 - May 01, 2019, Withdrawal
CECIL BRENDAN HANKINS and MOLLY BALENE HANKINS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-00081 - Aug 06, 2021, Final Report - Dismissed Case (Chapter 13) (batch) 2021-08-06 20:39:06
ALAN H. HANDL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-02496 - May 01, 2019, 2004 Examination (Notice of)
CHARLIE HINOJOS and EVANGELINE HINOJOS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-14651-PS - May 01, 2019, Hearing on Objection (Notice of)
AMY JOSEPHINE HONOR, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-08090 - May 01, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date (batch)
MICHAEL CLAYTON HATLELI and NICOLE MARIE HATLELI, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-10859 - May 01, 2019, Amendment to Schedules (A/B,C,G,H,I,J) 2021-09-13 21:05:28
JUAN A HERRERA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-09874 - May 01, 2019, Extend (Motion to) 2019-05-01 22:04:21
BENJAMIN HUBBART, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-10419 - May 01, 2019, Motion to Dismiss (Chapter 13) (batch)
SYRHETTA SHAUNEILLE HAYES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05374 - May 02, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-02 01:15:03
ALICIA ELAINE HETRICK, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-03254 - May 02, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate
STEVEN DOUGLAS HUGHITT and NICOLE KEYS HUGHITT, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-15150 - May 02, 2019, Extend (Motion to) 2019-05-02 14:23:28
VIVIAN CONTRERAS HERNANDEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:14-bk-06929 - May 02, 2019, Operating Report
JAMES RAY HILL and CARA DAWN HILL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:17-bk-00136 - May 02, 2019, Notice
Erica Leah Heller, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-09733 - May 02, 2019, Notice
STEVEN BRUCE HITE and SUSAN CAROL HITE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-14240 - May 02, 2019, Notice
CHIP EDWARD DE HART and SALETA ARLENE LOUISE DE HART, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-14102-PS - May 02, 2019, Response to Notice of Final Cure Payment Rule 3002.1
SCOTT A. HERMES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-01791 - May 02, 2019, Objection/Evaluation - Amended or Modified Plan (Chapter 13) (batch)
JOHNNY RAEL HIGUERA, III and CHRISTINA LEE HIGUERA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-01931 - May 02, 2019, Objection/Evaluation - Amended or Modified Plan (Chapter 13) (batch)