All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.
Bankruptcy Records Search
Luke Shawn Kimball, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30739-7 - Apr 01, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13
Luke Shawn Kimball, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30739-dwh7 - Apr 01, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-04-01 06:01:24
Raymond Cole Kirkpatrick, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60601-tmr7 - Apr 03, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-04-03 22:43:42
Sharee Machelle Kylmala, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-62020-tmr13 - Apr 07, 2021, Supplemental Compensation [May Require LBF 1307 - 12/1/15
Gregory Alan Kay, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-62748-tmb13 - Apr 07, 2021, Reopen Chapter 13 Case [Requires LBF 1367.92 - 12/1/20
Gregory Alan Kay, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-62748-dwh13 - Apr 07, 2021, Reopen Chapter 13 Case [Requires LBF 1367.92 - 12/1/20 2021-04-08 19:58:35
Reba Louise Kuske, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-31042-tmb13 - Apr 09, 2021, Supplemental Compensation [May Require LBF 1307 - 12/1/15
Hailey Lind Kocian, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60625-tmr7 - Apr 09, 2021, Commencement of Case 2021-04-09 20:38:51
Amanda K Kinish, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-33026-pcm13 - Apr 09, 2021, Pay Wages
Robin L Kilpatrick, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60679-tmr7 - Apr 16, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Hannah Ruth Kenner, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30886-tmb7 - Apr 19, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Jessica Anne Kosmas, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30892-pcm7 - Apr 20, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-04-20 02:46:56
Yuki Kudoh, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30904-pcm13 - Apr 21, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 13
Lisa Lee King, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30918-dwh7 - Apr 22, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-04-22 01:07:12
Jackie L. Kendall, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60730-dwh7 - Apr 22, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-04-22 22:59:21
Lawrence Kortje, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30937-dwh7 - Apr 23, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-04-23 03:26:43
Vanesa Pancic, Trustee v. Krenz et al, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-06014-tmr - Apr 23, 2021, Summons Issued
Robert Henry Kretschmann and Wendy Leigh Kretschmann, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60745-7 - Apr 24, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13
Robert Henry Kretschmann and Wendy Leigh Kretschmann, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60745-tmr7 - Apr 24, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-04-24 18:40:29
Edward Marin Kestle, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30955-pcm7 - Apr 26, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Anthony W Kronemeyer and Janet M Kronemeyer, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30959-dwh7 - Apr 27, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Marci Jo Kirk, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30965-tmb13 - Jul 29, 2021, Denying Confirmation /File Amended Plan and Record of Proceeding 2021-09-09 22:06:50
William Michael Korhummel, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-30969-dwh7 - Apr 27, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-04-27 23:14:51
Gary Harvey Koffarnus and Ruby Karine Koffarnus, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60776-tmr7 - Apr 28, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Jennifer Dawn Kamph and Shae Sky Kamph, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60787-tmr7 - Apr 30, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Anthony Kenney and Jessica Kenney, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-62717-dwh13 - Apr 30, 2021, BNC Certificate of Notice - Generic 2021-11-08 17:28:52
Deven Kenneth Knowlton, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60795-tmr7 - Apr 30, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Jonathan M. Koertzen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31022-tmb13 - Apr 30, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-04-30 22:37:08
Randall Sean Kromwall, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31023-dwh7 - Aug 02, 2021, Delay Discharge 2021-08-03 16:58:40
Regina Marie Kutsch, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60823-tmr7 - Apr 30, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Jaime Erin Knutson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31031-dwh7 - May 04, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
David Michael Kaufman, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31072-tmb7 - May 10, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-05-10 17:50:22
Kurt Steven Kyser and Tamara Louise Kyser, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31098-dwh7 - May 12, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-08-12 05:00:06
Hillary Michelle Kennedy, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31117-tmb7 - Jul 27, 2021, Notice of Intent to Close Case without Entry of Discharge 2021-07-27 11:10:08
Erin Kathleen Keymolen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31143-tmb13 - May 18, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-07-15 17:43:50
David John Karner, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31149-dwh7 - Jul 23, 2021, Installment Fee Payment (FINAL) 2021-07-24 04:35:05
Marthemma Kelly, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60901-tmr7 - May 19, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-05-19 23:02:06
Joseph Levi Kempfer and Teresa Dawn Kempfer, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-60334-tmr13 - May 20, 2021, Dismiss Case 2021-08-10 11:10:06
Supawich Kitchakan, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60905-tmr7 - May 20, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Leslie L Keller and Demetrius Andre Keller, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31174-dwh7 - Aug 03, 2021, Notice of Intent to Close Case without Entry of Discharge 2021-08-03 11:10:10
Brian Scott Keller, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60916-tmr13 - May 24, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-09-30 22:25:10
Kelsey Lynn Keagle, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31203-dwh7 - May 25, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-05-25 22:53:44
Keith Allan Kisselman, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60932-dwh7 - Jul 27, 2021, Installment Fee Payment 2021-08-28 05:00:05
Cedar Rose Kramer, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-60964-tmr7 - May 28, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-08-31 05:00:08
Alyssa S. Kaykeo, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31257-pcm13 - May 29, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-05-29 00:29:08
Carol Lynn Kohl and Timothy Dale Kohl, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31260-tmb7 - May 29, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset) 2021-09-09 05:00:15
Denis Michael Kress, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-61001-tmr7 - Jun 10, 2021, Installment Fee Payment (FINAL) 2021-06-10 04:08:22
Sharon K Kisor, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31298-tmb13 - Jun 10, 2021, BNC Certificate of Notice - Generic
Nicole Kangas-Winston, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31336-dwh13 - Jun 11, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 13
David Matthew Kirkpatrick and Angela Marie Kirkpatrick, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-60094-dwh13 - Jun 14, 2021, Chapter 12/13 Trustee's Request to Enter Discharge
Yvette Lee Krueger, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31350-dwh7 - Jun 14, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Shera Ann Kelly, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31352-pcm7 - Jun 15, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-07-16 11:55:57
Ross Monroe McCallum and Kevi Lynn Keenom, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31359-pcm13 - Jun 16, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-06-16 19:13:43
Matthew Douglas Krueger, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31360-dwh7 - Jun 16, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-08-31 11:10:08
Jonathan D. Kloser and Mindy Kloser, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31369-tmb13 - Jun 17, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-06-17 17:13:07
Aaron Michael Korpa, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-61060-tmr7 - Jun 17, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)
Kristopher Lee Kent, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31379-pcm13 - Jun 18, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-06-18 20:28:41
Heidi Krause, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31401-dwh7 - Jun 22, 2021, Pay Filing Fee in Installments [Requires LBF 110 - 12/1/13 2021-06-22 00:44:34
Benjamin Robert Keith and Jenna Christine Keith, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-31410-dwh7 - Jun 22, 2021, Statement of Social Security Number (OF 121 - 12/15) 2021-11-22 18:40:44
Shawn Monroe Kennedy, Bankruptcy Record: Case #21-61084-tmr7 - Jun 23, 2021, Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)