ᐅ Minnesota Bankruptcy Records 2009-2025

All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.

Bankruptcy Records Search

Minnesota, Last Names «M»: Mattice … Miller

The table lists individuals in Minnesota who have filed for bankruptcy, showing their names, case numbers, filing dates, and types of bankruptcy filed. It includes their names, case numbers, filing dates, and the type of bankruptcy petition filed (such as Chapter 7 or Chapter 13). This table is a part of the public record, as all personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are.
The information is gathered from public sources and is intended to provide a comprehensive view of bankruptcy filings within the state. However, it's important to note that the website advises against using this information for credit, insurance, employment, housing decisions, or any purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
The data may not be fully comprehensive or up-to-date and should be used with due diligence.

Gary Frank Mattice and Marlene Pearl Mattice, Bankruptcy Record: Case #08-41110 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Cynthia Jane Majestic, Bankruptcy Record: Case #08-41435 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Kelly Lynn Mancuso, Bankruptcy Record: Case #08-42975 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Michael Gerald Majeres, Bankruptcy Record: Case #08-43042 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Donald Eric Miller, Bankruptcy Record: Case #08-43712 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Michael D. Mai, Bankruptcy Record: Case #08-46164 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Steve H Magee and Monica R Magee, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-30500 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Julie Anne Manthei, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-30778 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Laura Mae Moyer, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-31122 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Jeanine Rae Miller, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-32211 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Ignacio Jesus Mancera Centeno and Alisa Ann Smith De Mancera, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-33665 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

KENNETH THOMAS MALARKEY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-34329 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Paula Kay Miller, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-35771 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Shawn Michael McDonough and LeeAnne Virginia McDonough, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-35829 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Andre Manning, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-36453 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Christine Ann Maxa, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-38367 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Leticia Martinez-Oliveros, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-32266 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Chapter 7 trustee's final report

Miranda Ann Mason, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-42242 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Jill Renae McGrand, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-42990 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Sayakham Mila and Vong Mila, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-43015 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Mehboob Hamza Momin and Jamila Momin, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-44239 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

John M. Matthews, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-44424 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Michael Francis Mornard and Jean Elisabeth Mornard, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-45017 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Joseph Arthur Mattson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-46102 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Jennifer Elizabeth McConnell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #09-48576 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Shane Robert Meyer, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-31010 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Samuel John Mangiere and Kara Marie Mangiere, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-32070 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

John McPhail Main, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-32428 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Gene Robert Mathisen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-32713 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Victoria Ellen Main, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-34822 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Diane E. McComesky, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-50178 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of mortgage payment change

Nicomedes Molina, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-36202 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Jill Brown McCabe, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-37450 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Lynn Marie McKaige, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-38228 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Daniel T Meagher, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-40647 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Linda D Morris, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-41280 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Sarah Elizabeth Mevold and Jan Chien Hsun Mevold, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-41402 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Elhardt et al v. The Bank of New York Mellon, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-04126 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Stipulation of dismissal

Martin Helmar Mattson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-43477 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Matthew Paul Manning and Hollie Kristina Manning, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-47501 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Keri Lynn McKee, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-33310 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Motion to dismiss for failure to make plan payments

Ryan Michael Mouser, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-49003 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

KIMBERLY MAROIS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #10-49194 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Adrian Carl Moore and Kimberly Cheryl Williams Moore, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-30257 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Rebecca Lynn Morse, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-30330 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Brett James Miller, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-30643 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

James A Meyer and Ninoska E. Meyer, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-30645 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Jeremy Brent McFate and Lisa Marie McFate, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-30813 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Megan Kohl McKinnon, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-31182 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

James Edward Maloney and Margaret Ellen Maloney, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-31183 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

David Alan Martinson and Julie Ray Martinson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-32368 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

James August McGeehan, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-33250 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Christopher Robin McCalla, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-34646 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Dean Richard Mundell and Lois Mae Mundell, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-34805 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

John Donald McSherry and Karen Joyce McSherry, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-36588 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Joseph Andrew Mau, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-40107 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Barma Trocon Malekebu, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-41696 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

James Patrick McCabe and Laurie Marlene McCabe, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-43249 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

Nohemi Morales, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-43877 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel

SARAH C MILLER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #11-45226 - Jul 02, 2019, MNB Notice of withdrawal and substitution of counsel