All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.
Bankruptcy Records Search
Joey T. Moc and Jessica T. Nguyen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-14985 - Nov 26, 2019, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (310.00 fee) 2019-11-26 17:35:06
ANDREW PHILLIP NORIEGA and BRENDA RIDGE NORIEGA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:19-bk-14990 - Nov 26, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-11-26 17:49:47
Matthew Dominique Nash, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15001 - Nov 26, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-11-26 18:51:32
NINOS NARSA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15009 - Nov 26, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-11-26 20:24:55
DAN MINH NGUYEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15107 - Nov 27, 2019, 1Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2019-11-27 23:02:30
JAMES WESLEY NEELY, JR. and ALEJANDRINA NEELY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-15113 - Nov 27, 2019, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (310.00 fee) 2019-11-27 23:39:08
Donna Mae Nish, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15126 - Nov 29, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee)
CHRISTINA L. NAVARRO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15163 - Dec 02, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-02 21:02:12
JUDY LYNN NICHOLS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15176 - Dec 02, 2019, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (310.00 fee)
KASEY C NYE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-15195 - Dec 03, 2019, 4Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition 2019-12-03 15:56:59
GEORGE R NELSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-15203 - Dec 03, 2019, 1Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2019-12-03 17:12:28
CHRISTI LEIGH NICKLAS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-15221 - Dec 03, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-03 23:16:58
Joshua Paul Berg and Andrea Marie Nabors, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15236 - Dec 04, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-04 15:13:21
MATTHEW WILLIAM NESTERUCK, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15316 - Dec 05, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-05 16:41:23
HELEN W. NOBLE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15321 - Dec 05, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-05 17:55:03
THANG BUU NGUYEN and VAN HOANG NGUYEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15434 - Dec 09, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-09 18:02:34
TRICIA NIXON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15458 - Dec 09, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee)
CASEY S. NEUMANN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15514 - Dec 10, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-10 22:42:24
NICOLE ANNETTE NEWBY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-15537 - Dec 11, 2019, 4Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition 2019-12-11 15:58:42
JANIS HELEN NEWCOMER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-14863 - Dec 11, 2019, Approve Compromise/Settlement (Motion to) 2019-12-11 21:18:20
CAROLINE NILES, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-09488-PS - Dec 12, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
ROBERT NAPIERKOWSKI, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15618 - Dec 12, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-12 18:50:15
JOSE ANGEL NEGRON and KATI NEGRON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-09535 - Dec 13, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
LESTER WILLIAM NORTONSEN and KRISTIE LYNN NORTONSEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-15699 - Dec 13, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-14 00:13:00
SETH ADAM NILSON and CRISTI NICOLE NILSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:17-bk-07535 - Dec 14, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
BIRDSELL v. NORTON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-ap-00438 - Dec 16, 2019, Complaint 2019-12-16 03:31:28
Benjamin R. Naasz and Sasha Nicole Naasz, Bankruptcy Record: Case #3:19-bk-15746 - Dec 16, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee)
IVY HELEN NIXON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15775 - Dec 17, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-17 18:12:27
Ralph Howard Neill, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:17-bk-11611 - Dec 18, 2019, Notice 2019-12-18 22:01:19
WILLIAM R. NEWHOUSE and CARMEN E. NEWHOUSE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-15916 - Dec 19, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-19 22:30:38
JOHNNY VAN NGUYEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-15926 - Dec 20, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-20 00:09:45
TYLER JACOB NEWPORT-SNEED and CATHERINE FRANCES ANN NEWPORT-, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-15962 - Dec 20, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-20 22:47:39
ARTHUR NAJERA, Jr. and CHRISTINE NAJERA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-03206 - Dec 23, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change 2021-11-03 18:16:44
CODY NESTOR and AMANDA NESTOR, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-16016 - Dec 23, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-23 21:39:26
JESSICA NICOLE NAWLS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-16059 - Dec 24, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-24 18:32:41
ALEXANDER E NAJARRO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-16073 - Dec 26, 2019, 4Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition 2019-12-26 15:56:33
IAN NEAL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-16119 - Dec 27, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee)
IAN NEAL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-16119-PS - Aug 05, 2021, Trustee Notice of Lodging Proposed Order (batch) 2021-08-05 20:47:12
JOHN CARLOS NAVARRO-CRUZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-16189 - Dec 30, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-12-30 23:50:27
CHARLOTTE SHARON NEALE and JASON SCOTT NEALE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-16222 - Dec 31, 2019, 1Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2019-12-31 18:44:38
PEDRO NELSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00086 - Jan 03, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-03 23:43:35
PEDRO NELSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00086-PS - Jan 03, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-04 06:50:08
EDWARD FRANCISCO NAVARRO, JR and DANIELLE MARIE NAVARRO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-01711 - Jan 06, 2020, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
SARAH LEE NEARHOFF, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00161 - Jan 07, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-07 18:02:36
JOSE R NUNEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00305 - Jan 09, 2020, 4Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) (310.00 fee) 2020-01-09 23:05:34
SHANNON L NELSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00373 - Jan 11, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-11 19:17:17
Nfinity, Inc., Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00376 - Jan 13, 2020, 2Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) (1717.00 fee) 2020-01-13 04:10:20
JANICE A NAVARRO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00386 - Jan 13, 2020, 1Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2020-01-13 18:48:30
SAMMY NEWTON, JR and MARIE A NEWTON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00414 - Jan 14, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-14 02:03:21
Maria R Natividad, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:09-bk-18463 - Jan 17, 2020, Withdrawal of Claim
JEFFREY NIEZNAY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00609 - Jan 17, 2020, 1Chapter 7 Voluntary Petition 2020-01-17 20:48:45
SONA LATICE NOBLE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00650 - Jan 20, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2021-11-15 19:48:14
DENA NEWCOMB, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00678 - Jan 21, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-21 16:40:20
ANDREW NITESCU, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00687 - Jan 21, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee)
MOUHAMADOU M. NIANG, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-06485 - Jan 23, 2020, Trustee Application for Compensation (Chapter 7 or 11)
MICHAEL THOMAS NOVAK, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00799-PS - Jan 23, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-23 18:28:44
JEANE K. NEALE, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:20-bk-00890 - Jan 27, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-27 18:07:27
TERESA NANEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00925 - Jan 28, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-28 13:25:32
Matthew Nieto, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:20-bk-00944 - Jan 28, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee)
PAMELA FERN NASSAR, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:20-bk-00975 - Jan 29, 2020, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2020-01-29 18:00:44