All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.
Bankruptcy Records Search
CYNTHIA KAY NORDSTROM, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:15-bk-06570 - Apr 25, 2019, BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document
CESAR I. ZAVALA NAVA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-13428 - Apr 25, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date
MICHAEL R. NEFF and BEVERLY A NEFF, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-00872 - Apr 25, 2019, Objection/Evaluation - Chapter 13 Plan (batch)
KARIM RASHEED NADIR and PAMELA ANEESAH NADIR, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-15699 - Apr 25, 2019, Objection
TRINA RAQUEL NOLTE-WALKER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-10342 - Apr 25, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (ALL)
DOTTIE ELIZABETH NEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-15505-PS - Apr 25, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Intent to Lodge Dismissal Order
GABRIELLE K. NGUYEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05041 - Apr 25, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-04-25 23:09:26
AMYLEE NELSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-01342-PS - Apr 25, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate
SAMANTHA KRISTIN NEELEY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-11639-PS - Apr 26, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (PS)
JAMES STEVEN NAUTA and VANESSA NAUTA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-03332 - Aug 02, 2021, Lodging Proposed Order (Notice of) 2021-11-17 22:57:04
JOSE JUAN TRASLAVINA NIDO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-15598 - Apr 26, 2019, oDismissing Case - VAN Form
MICHAEL J NEVAREZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03028 - Apr 26, 2019, Meeting of Creditors Held
THOMAS CHRISTOPHER NACINOVICH and MARIGEM BAUTISTA NACINOVIC, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-01757 - Jul 28, 2021, Certificate of Service and No Objections 2021-07-28 22:43:58
KATHLEEN NICOLE NUNEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-05477-PS - Apr 26, 2019, Change of Address
DONNA LAVERNE NEWBERRY and CLIFTON FREDERICK NEWBERRY, JR., Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-14577 - Apr 26, 2019, Trustee Notice of Lodging Proposed Order (batch)
JOHN JAMES NAY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-01168 - Apr 27, 2019, Certificate of Service 2019-04-27 14:37:45
SHAIDA NAMAZIFARD, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-03115 - Apr 29, 2019, Appearance (Notice of)
PATRICIA E NORMAN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-01652 - Apr 29, 2019, Substitute Attorney (Motion to) 2019-04-29 18:32:47
CAROLYN ESTELLE NORTON and MAX LEROY NORTON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-12488 - Apr 29, 2019, No Objection (Notice of)
TRAVIS LEE NONNAMAKER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-12868 - Apr 29, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate
TOBY A NIELSEN and ELAINE L. NIELSEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-10575 - Apr 29, 2019, Trustee Notice of Lodging Proposed Order (batch)
Vickie Jo Novak, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-01093 - Apr 29, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date (batch)
MONICA D. NEGRON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-02258-PS - Apr 29, 2019, Request to Set Claims Bar Date (batch)
KATHERINE LUELLA NUTT, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-14168 - Apr 29, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (ALL)
STEVEN R NATH, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-00277 - Apr 30, 2019, BNC Form Request--Chapter 7 Discharge
WAYNE E. NELSON and DENISE M. NELSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-00668 - Apr 30, 2019, Deficiency Memo - No Financial Management Course
BYRON L NUEBAUER, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-03337 - Apr 30, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate
ANDRE PHILLIP NOEL and SUN CHA NOEL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:16-bk-00598 - Apr 30, 2019, Final Cure Mortgage Payment (Notice of) (Chapter 13) (batch)
Tera Lynn Nakai, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05234 - Apr 30, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-04-30 20:32:04
ROBERT S. NEWKIRK and PATRICIA A. NEWKIRK, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05236 - Apr 30, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-04-30 20:46:09
MONIKA NAY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-15726 - Apr 30, 2019, BNC Form Request--Chapter 7 Discharge
PHILLIP VAN NICHOLS, II and SHAVAWN CHALI NICHOLS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-11357 - Apr 30, 2019, Application to Pay Unclaimed Funds or Dividends to the Court 2019-04-30 22:29:47
ADAM MICHAEL NAVARRO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-05289 - May 01, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-01 01:07:03
CANDELARIA NEVAREZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #0:17-bk-08890 - May 01, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (ALL)
Varah v. NICKERSON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-ap-00365 - May 01, 2019, Request for Issuance of Summons
DORA ELIZABETH NAVA-AMAYA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-14806 - May 01, 2019, Extend Time to Pay Filing Fee (Motion to) 2019-05-01 17:22:51
ERIN ELIZABETH NEATHERY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-02822 - May 01, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
JASON JOHN NEWMAN, JR. and MELINDA ELLEN NEWMAN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-15259 - May 01, 2019, Certificate of Service and No Objections 2019-05-01 22:50:43
ANTONY NYOIKE NDUNGU, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-12110 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution
BRIDGET NAUGHTON, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-02759-PS - May 02, 2019, Reaffirmation Agreement/Declaration of Attorney
SHANTELL D. NUNEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-13630 - May 02, 2019, Approve (Motion to) 2019-05-02 16:47:22
ARIE NOAH, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-02607 - May 02, 2019, Assignment/Transfer of Claim (or Notice of) (25.00 fee) 2021-10-05 20:24:53
NATHAN D. SMITH and CHELSEA M. NEMERGUT, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-02320-PS - May 02, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate 2019-05-02 20:34:55
WILLIE JUAREZ NEWELL and JENNIFER M. NEWELL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-01220 - May 02, 2019, Recommendation (Chapter 13) (batch)
DONALD HUGH NICHOLS and JANE ANN NICHOLS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-09638 - Aug 04, 2021, Substitution of Attorney (Notice of) 2021-11-03 15:53:19
JOYCE ANN NEAL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-11155 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Submitting Order
Austin Ryan Neeley, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05431 - May 03, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-03 00:11:10
STANLEY NAGRABA, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:18-bk-03361 - May 03, 2019, Extend (Motion to) 2019-05-03 04:57:06
WAYNE NEZ and KATHERINE NEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:16-bk-08702 - May 03, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
FORD v. NICOL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-ap-00179 - May 03, 2019, Complaint 2019-05-03 18:07:35
STEVEN DAVID NICOL, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-01099 - May 03, 2019, Complaint
JAMES I. NEWBERRY, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:17-bk-09348 - May 03, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (ALL) 2019-05-03 18:12:46
MARY NUNEZ, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03405 - May 03, 2019, Continuance of Meeting of Creditors
STEPHANIE NICOLE NAVARRO, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-03580 - May 03, 2019, Meeting of Creditors Held
Camille Nighthorse, Bankruptcy Record: Case #3:18-bk-00610 - May 03, 2019, Close Bankruptcy Case (ALL) (DISMISSED)
Eric Nelson and Betty Nelson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #4:19-bk-01663 - May 04, 2019, No Objection (Notice of) 2019-05-04 15:41:37
PHUONG H. NGUYEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05486 - May 06, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-06 16:35:20
TRACY LYNN NICHOLS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:18-bk-12890 - May 06, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Intent to Lodge Dismissal Order (batch) 2021-09-30 21:35:02
TIFFANY LEE NEVINS, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-01549 - May 06, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution - dismissed or converted, no funds
KENNY G NGUYEN, Bankruptcy Record: Case #2:19-bk-05497-PS - May 06, 2019, 1Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) (335.00 fee) 2019-05-06 18:58:29