ᐅ Texas Bankruptcy Records 2009-2024

All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.

Bankruptcy Records Search

Texas, Last Names «S»: Sperry … Slussler

The table lists individuals in Texas who have filed for bankruptcy, showing their names, case numbers, filing dates, and types of bankruptcy filed. It includes their names, case numbers, filing dates, and the type of bankruptcy petition filed (such as Chapter 7 or Chapter 13). This table is a part of the public record, as all personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are.
The information is gathered from public sources and is intended to provide a comprehensive view of bankruptcy filings within the state. However, it's important to note that the website advises against using this information for credit, insurance, employment, housing decisions, or any purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
The data may not be fully comprehensive or up-to-date and should be used with due diligence.

Jennifer Marie Sperry, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-44062-elm13 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary petition chapter 13 (attorney filer) 2019-10-01 10:29:07

Terry Brent Smith, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33315-bjh13 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary petition chapter 13 (attorney filer) 2019-10-01 10:42:23

Willie Louise Soders, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33318-bjh13 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary petition chapter 13 (attorney filer) 2019-10-01 11:06:51

SFKR, LLC, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-60674 - Jul 28, 2021, Employ Attorney for Trustee (by Trustee) 2021-08-23 16:58:51

Lorrie Lee Snoddy and Robert G Snoddy, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-60742 - Oct 01, 2019, Certificate of Budget and Credit Counseling-First Debtor Only (cu) 2019-10-01 13:07:58

Gary W. Scott and Angelic D. Scott, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-10465 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2019-10-01 12:19:29

Kevin Francis Skinner, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-42716 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13, All Schedules & Statements [fee 2019-10-01 13:05:57

Patrick Ray Serrano, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-42719 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13, All Schedules & Statements [fee 2019-10-01 13:18:41

Janet E Suarez, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-35579 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) [system event 2019-10-01 13:21:41

Lorrie Lee Snoddy and Robert G Snoddy, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-60742-rbk - Oct 01, 2019, Certificate of Budget and Credit Counseling-First Debtor Only (cu) 2019-10-01 13:07:58

Rebecca Renee Steffensen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-60745-rbk - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13 2021-10-13 20:33:34

Patricia A Smoote, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-11346-tmd - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13 2019-10-01 13:37:01

Clyde W Sheppard, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-35589 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) [system event

Antonio Gaspar Sintillo, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-35590 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) [system event 2019-10-01 14:31:14

Trena Ann Simmons, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-35591 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) [system event

Tracy Ann Segura, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-11348-tmd - Oct 01, 2019, Notice Regarding Noncompliance with Bankruptcy Rule 1007(b)(3) - (CAG / RBK / TMD)

Tracey Michelle Snyder and Christopher Lloyd Snyder, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52401 - Oct 01, 2019, Certificate of Budget and Credit Counseling-First Debtor Only (cu) 2019-10-01 15:11:54

Larry Don Stuteville and Brenda Faye Stuteville, Bankruptcy Record: Case #14-10160-rlj13 - Oct 01, 2019, Notice of Final Cure Mortgage Payment 2019-10-01 15:09:31

Fredy Mauricio Sosa, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-35592 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) [system event 2021-08-26 17:03:05

Tracey Michelle Snyder and Christopher Lloyd Snyder, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-52401-rbk - Oct 01, 2019, Certificate of Budget and Credit Counseling-First Debtor Only (cu) 2019-10-01 15:13:33

Maria G Sanchez, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-30080-hcm - Oct 01, 2019, Modify Confirmed Chapter 13 Plan

Quezada et al v. Internal Revenue Service, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-01101-tmd - Oct 01, 2019, District Court Order Re: Notice of Appeal 2019-10-01 15:54:18

Tracey L Swartzkopf, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-42729 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13, All Schedules & Statements [fee

Roman Casimiro Saiz and Estella Saiz, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-31894 - Oct 01, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution - dismissed or converted, no funds

Clinton Paul Smillie and Amanda Beth Smillie, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-20239-rlj13 - Oct 01, 2019, Chapter 13 Plan 2021-09-08 21:02:48

Steven Joel Sharp and Tabitha Amber Sharp, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-20355-rlj13 - Oct 01, 2019, Chapter 13 Plan

Jennifer Ann Shaub, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33337-13 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary petition chapter 13 (attorney filer) 2019-10-01 16:42:45

Rachel M. Sharks, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-42731 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) 2021-10-19 15:47:19

Patricia Ann Smylie, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-42733 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 7, All Schedules & Statements [fee 2019-10-01 18:28:50

Roger G Smith, Bankruptcy Record: Case #14-43572-mxm13 - Oct 01, 2019, Notice of Final Cure Mortgage Payment 2019-10-01 18:51:08

William Isaac Samuel and Liliana Jeaneth Samuel, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-30791-hcm - Oct 01, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate - Both First and Second Debtor

Darrell Edward Snow, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-70392-hdh13 - Oct 01, 2019, Trustee's recommendation concerning claims/plan

Rosine E. Shannon, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33347-7 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 7 (case upload) 2019-10-01 21:11:15

Michael Swift, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-32068 - Oct 01, 2019, Notice of Change of Address

Jennifer Sacco, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-33435 - Oct 01, 2019, Notice of Change of Address

Ezra Ramas Smith, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-34918 - Oct 01, 2019, Notice of Change of Address 2021-09-09 11:00:05

Linda Lee Samson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-42743 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7)

Juan Ramon Soriano, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-35610 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) [system event 2019-10-01 21:59:50

Michael Jason Smith, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-35614 - Oct 02, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) [system event 2019-10-02 00:05:30

Marvin Stuart, Sr. and Lana Stuart, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-34505 - Oct 02, 2019, Certificate of Financial Management Course 2019-10-02 02:03:16

Jennifer Ann Shaub, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33337-sgj13 - Jul 26, 2021, Document 2021-07-26 20:54:08

Rosine E. Shannon, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33347-bjh7 - Oct 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 7 (case upload) 2019-10-02 04:45:05

Karen Elizabeth Smith, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33350-sgj13 - Oct 02, 2019, Voluntary petition chapter 13 (attorney filer) 2019-10-02 06:27:38

Dorothy A. Scruggs, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-60594 - Oct 02, 2019, Dismiss Chapter 13 Case and Setting Hearing (Failure to Make Plan Payments)

Timothy Brandon Sparkman, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-60686 - Oct 03, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13, All Schedules & Statements [fee 2019-10-03 19:26:53

Juan Miguel Gonzales and Mason James Sullivan, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-44085-mxm13 - Oct 03, 2019, none 2019-10-03 16:23:19

Roberto Carlos Silva, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-31607-sgj13 - Oct 03, 2019, Scheduling Order Regarding Mid-Case Notice of Amount Deemed Necessary to Cure Mortgage Arrearage

Sandy Alejandra Salinas, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-50251-rlj7 - Oct 03, 2019, Voluntary petition chapter 7 (attorney filer) 2019-10-04 04:45:07

Shaun Alan Smart, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-50252-rlj7 - Oct 03, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 7 (case upload) 2021-11-15 20:27:43

Steven Edwin Smith, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33363-bjh13 - Oct 03, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13 (case upload) 2019-10-03 15:38:59

Casey Vincent Sixta, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33354-bjh7 - Oct 03, 2019, Notice of Deficiency 2019-10-03 16:15:19

Christopher Delewi Small, II, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-33360-hdh7 - Oct 03, 2019, Pay Filing Fees in Installments 2019-10-03 20:14:51

William Clark Stewart, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-20314-rlj7 - Oct 03, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 7 (case upload) 2019-10-03 16:31:18

Paul Gerard Sarabia and Mari Lee Sarabia, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-44103-mxm7 - Oct 03, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 7 (case upload) 2019-10-03 19:10:48

Todd J. Stockton, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-41235-mxm13 - Oct 03, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

Jacqueline R. Sears, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-33947-sgj13 - Oct 04, 2019, Substitute Attorney

Victor Manuel Saldana, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-10385 - Oct 03, 2019, Order on Chapter 13 Fixed Fee Agreement (FORMS) 2019-10-03 16:45:38

Timeka Joann Scott, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-35627 - Oct 03, 2019, Notice of Duplicate Case Filing

Benjamin Joseph Spexarth and Maryanne Spexarth, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-35640 - Oct 03, 2019, Proposed Wage Order

DeWitt Clinton Slussler, III and Catherine Renee Slussler, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-35918 - Oct 03, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

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