ᐅ Texas Bankruptcy Records 2009-2024

All personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are part of the public record. In many jurisdictions, personal bankruptcy notices are printed weekly in the local newspapers.

Bankruptcy Records Search

Texas, Last Names «A»: Albin … Arrona

The table lists individuals in Texas who have filed for bankruptcy, showing their names, case numbers, filing dates, and types of bankruptcy filed. It includes their names, case numbers, filing dates, and the type of bankruptcy petition filed (such as Chapter 7 or Chapter 13). This table is a part of the public record, as all personal bankruptcy filings in the United States are.
The information is gathered from public sources and is intended to provide a comprehensive view of bankruptcy filings within the state. However, it's important to note that the website advises against using this information for credit, insurance, employment, housing decisions, or any purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
The data may not be fully comprehensive or up-to-date and should be used with due diligence.

Moses Lawrence Albin, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-40224 - May 01, 2019, Automatic Discharge of Debtor

Moore v. United States of America et al, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-04021-elm - May 01, 2019, Notice (Generic)

John Joseph Angel, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-42670-elm13 - Aug 04, 2021, Clerk's correspondence 2021-10-14 16:24:03

Capstar Radio Operating Company Jointly A, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-31284 - May 01, 2019, Withdrawal of Claim

AMFM Broadcasting, Inc.

Carmichael, MD et al v. Hammond et al, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-03045 - Aug 02, 2021, MP3 2021-08-03 14:07:07

Mary Atkinson Adair, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-32429 - May 01, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 13) [system event 2019-05-01 22:06:38

Richard Lyle Algea and Lynda Algea, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-50894-cag - May 01, 2019, Notice-Declaration For Electronic Filing Due (F) (AD)

David Aguirre, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-32078-hcm - May 01, 2019, Installment Fee Paid (FINAL) 2021-10-01 15:03:45

Ricardo Arellano, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-30139-hcm - May 01, 2019, Installment Fee Paid (FINAL)

Suzette Adkins, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-30238-hcm - May 01, 2019, Installment Fee Paid (NOT FINAL PAYMENT)

Arturo Cordova and Julia E. Ortega De Alvarez, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-30019-hcm - May 01, 2019, BK-Discharging Debtor(s) (No Asset Case)

Tray A. Armstrong and Anita A. Armstrong, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-10094 - May 02, 2019, POrder Note

Maria Cristina Aguilar, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-41184 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee Notice of Correction to TRCC

Jennifer Deann Adlof, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-41506 - May 02, 2019, Dismiss Chapter 13 Case by Trustee and Setting Hearing

Suzette Anderson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #13-32864-bjh13 - May 02, 2019, Approving chapter 13 trustee report and discharging trustee

Bridgett Chanta Allen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-31487-13 - May 02, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13 (case upload) 2019-05-02 13:59:21

Janice Ann Adkison, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-42902 - May 02, 2019, Financial Management Course Certificate 2021-11-04 16:46:59

Victor M. Aldana-Bello, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-40247-elm7 - May 02, 2019, Financial Management Course

Shonya Lashay Anderson, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-40945-mxm13 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Voluntary Conversion to Chapter 7 2019-05-02 15:03:45

Perla Avelar Del Angel, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-32436 - May 02, 2019, Voluntary Petition (Chapter 7) [system event 2019-05-02 13:40:54

William Matthew Alsup, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-30502 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee's Motion to Dismiss Case (batch)

Juan Carlos Andrade and Lourdes Ocampo Andrade, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-30707 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee's Motion to Dismiss Case (batch)

Robert Corey Alford and Harriet Anne Alford, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-60755-rbk - May 02, 2019, Amended Order-Pay Wages 2019-05-02 14:44:35

Griffith et al v. Green Tree Servicing, LLC et al, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-04066 - May 02, 2019, Hearing Continued - Without Form

Payne et al v. Levy et al, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-04037 - May 02, 2019, Hearing Continued - Without Form

Derrick Elliott Atchison, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-41975 - May 02, 2019, POrder Note

Bridgett Chanta Allen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-31487-hdh13 - May 02, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13 (case upload) 2019-05-02 15:16:02

Francisca Alvarado, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-30528-bjh13 - May 02, 2019, Approving chapter 13 trustee report and discharging trustee

Renita Chelon Alexander, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-33168-bjh13 - May 02, 2019, Approving chapter 13 trustee report and discharging trustee

Joseph Anthony Ackerman, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-40730-mxm13 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

Jose Rogelio Araujo and Karina Izel Araujo, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-33167 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 13 Trustee's Motion to Dismiss Case (batch) 2021-07-20 11:00:09

Vincent Sydney Alexander, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-35653 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

Billy Craig Andersen and Lisa Fether Andersen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-32657 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

Oscar Penaloza Arrieta, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-32720 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

Sohail Ahmed Arain and Khadija Sohail Arain, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-50692-rbk - May 02, 2019, Amended List of Creditors (adding or deleting creditor(s)) and Amended Schedules with D, E/F 2019-05-02 15:33:18

Jose Cutberto Arroyo and Antonia Arroyo, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-30601-hcm - May 02, 2019, Notice of Appearance and Request

Jennifer Alsip, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-60402-rbk - May 02, 2019, Notice of Appearance and Request

Amira Shehata Ali, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-50430-cag - May 02, 2019, Reaffirmation Agreement Signed by Debtor's Attorney

Alan W. Anders, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-10046 - May 02, 2019, POrder Note

Sam De Anda and Sofia Fuentes De Anda, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-50043-rlj13 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 13 Plan

Eugenia Armstrong, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-31453 - May 02, 2019, Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution - No Funds

Obi Akoh-Arrey, Bankruptcy Record: Case #16-30045 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

Marisela Aguilar, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-30736-hcm - May 02, 2019, Voluntary Petition Chapter 13 2019-05-02 16:12:13

Sylvanus Abraham, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-52847-rbk - May 02, 2019, 13 Confirmation Hearing Continued/Reset (Batch) (F)

Architectural Impressions of Austin, LLC, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-11490-tmd - May 02, 2019, Notice of Appearance and Request

Lloyd Michael Anthony, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-32841-sgj13 - May 02, 2019, Notice of amount deemed necessary to cure

Anwar Thib Ahmad, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-42513-mxm11 - May 02, 2019, Generic Motion

Curtis et al v. Knight et al, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-07002 - May 02, 2019, Setting Hearing

Roy Autry, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-31354-hcm - May 02, 2019, Notice of Change of Debtor Address

Kwame Anane, Bankruptcy Record: Case #19-30448-hcm - May 02, 2019, Statement of Intention for Individuals Filing Under Chapter 7 2019-05-02 17:35:19

Georgette Marie Andrews, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-30842-hcm - May 02, 2019, Notice of Change of Debtor Address

Ricardo Aguirre, Jr. and Norma A. Aguirre, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-30572-hcm - May 02, 2019, Notice of Appearance and Request

Jesus Armando Alarcon, Bankruptcy Record: Case #17-32048-hcm - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

Michael Robert Allen and Karla Lawson Allen, Bankruptcy Record: Case #14-70040-hdh13 - May 02, 2019, Discharging Debtor 2019-05-02 18:11:16

Alexandro Amaya, Bankruptcy Record: Case #14-70072-hdh13 - May 02, 2019, Trustee's motion to declare 1322(b) claim current and defaults cured

Troxell et al v. Southside Bank et al, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-04159-mxm - May 02, 2019, Request for Transcript

Mary Louise Arter, Bankruptcy Record: Case #18-42010-elm13 - May 02, 2019, Notice of hearing (batch)

Richard Abelino and Jennifer Abelino, Bankruptcy Record: Case #14-41800-elm13 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

Reyna Rosas Arrona, Bankruptcy Record: Case #15-40297-mxm13 - May 02, 2019, Notice of Mortgage Payment Change

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